
Showing posts from 2017


You’re alone. Deserted by your “friends”. You know why they left you. It was your shadiness and generally bad sense of humor that consisted only of puns and pointing at things and saying “meme that”. But you’re still surprised they had the nerve to do it today, after all, it was your birthday. Every present you thought you wanted seemed irrelevant, because only survival was on your mind. It was just that morning you had woken up and discovered everyone was gone. The campsite was abandoned. Everything was taken. No food. No water. They were even petty enough to take the ashes from the fire you made for the night.   You meandered about for a couple of hours, in search for a cactus or oasis or something bearing life or hope or anything in between. But you gave up because it was a waste of energy. Now, the arid desert wind brings dust into your eyes and lungs and you cough. You can feel your throat and mouth drying up on the spot and you know you need water. You decide to wa...

The Puddle

It had rained. A lot. All at once. The world was drenched and so were the kids meandering in their ponchos. The heavy air hung among the trees and warmed the lungs of those who breathed it in. There was no crisp feeling after the rain. It felt muggy. Murky. Mysterious. The only things that dissipated the sinister ambiance were the bright yellow galoshes that adorned the feet of someone just as bright. They grinned from ear to ear. This was their favorite weather. This was the time for adventure. The wet grass welcomed the soles of the kid with a satisfying squish and a small spray of mud. After running a few circles and some distorted shapes in the grass, they grew weary of this activity. Out of breath and curious about an odd looking body of water, they walked over to a large pothole filled with potential. They peered in, expecting to see unsettled mud amidst water and pebbles. But this puddle was different. It held its own realm. Nestled in the parted concrete, some grass and we...

Dear cacti

Dear cacti, I’m sorry my mother drowned you with her affection and over-watering. I’m sorry I neglected you to the point where she needed to step in and water you. And I'm sorry you weren't treated better...or worse.  You were fun while you lasted. You made nice room décor. And a nice topic of conversation for when I ran out of ways to entertain my guests. You were always there for me, and I was never there for you, I tried my best, I really did.  You are a tragic loss, and I will remember you until the end of time. Or until I get new cacti. Whichever comes first. I remember the fateful afternoon like it was last summer. Mainly because it was last summer. I had finally decided to get a social life and leave my room. My mom decided to see how you guys were doing. She did not like what she saw. The soil was parched and you were barely in it, on the verge of falling out. So she decided to water you. I think you died of sudden shock or something. The first o...

Pool Decks

(Sorry this isn’t a continuation of my previous post, I know many wanted to hear about how I thought adults could mind read. Maybe another time.) They instill a deep, irrational fear in me, that whenever I step foot on one, I will fall and crack my head open…and die. Even if it’s not slippery, even if I’m not barefoot or in flip flops, I fear that I will fall and be embraced by both the cold deck and death. This fear started when I was a kid, and for a good reason. I was at my friend’s birthday party. We were in the new, state-of-the-art CRCE pool. It had a tall, glorious water slide. It had a volcano that bubbled up water like lava. It had a volleyball net and a basketball hoop. It was every kid’s dream for an aquatic center. It was definitely my dream aquatic center. It was also every kid’s dream to go down that beautiful waterslide. But it was closed when the party started, so we had to patiently wait for what seemed like hours. Its two twists taunted me with the fun...

Rain Clouds

Everyone has probably had that moment where they realized something they believed in wasn’t really real. Whether it was when they realized the Easter Bunny or Santa were just some underpaid guys in a suit. Or how the Tooth Fairy is just your parents paying you to grow up and lose your baby teeth. You know, those disappointing realizations. Frankly, the Easter Bunny, Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren’t all that surprising. I figured they were all an adult capitalist scheme ready to lure children in with the promise of toys and money. But the thing that got me most was when I realized you can’t stand on rain clouds. I figured that normal clouds weren’t strong enough since they didn’t have rain in them. But rain clouds held more promise. They held the potential to hold. And boy did I believe it. It was sometime in second grade where we did a project on the weather. My friends and I made a beautiful poster that didn’t really contain any information, just the words “fall, clouds, rai...

How to Take a Shower

How to Take a Shower Step 1. Turn on the water and let the sound of it running calm you into oblivion of what’s going on outside the bathroom. Step 2. Wait for the water to warm up. Step 3. Make sure you have your clothes and towel for after the hug of cleanliness. Step 4. Stick your hand under the water to see if it’s warm enough: a.        If not, repeat back to step 2 b.       If the temperature is to your liking, step in Step 5. Let the water welcome you and welcome the water yourself. Step 6. Condition your hair Step 7. Enjoy the smell of your conditioner, “A Thousand Wishes” is the name on the bottle. Whose wishes? Did the makers of the conditioner collect every shooting star wished upon and squeeze out their essence? Or are these the wishes of those who did not have them come true. That would explain the extremely fake sweetness of the scent, fake and artificial. Step 8. If you don’t like the smell ...

Life is like an Aquarium

            Think about it. When a fish is moved to a new aquarium it has to suddenly acclimate to a new environment, new plants, new rocks, new filtration system, etc., and mainly, new fish. And it usually goes one of two ways, either the other fish are super hostile, and the new fish dies, or the fish assess the situation and decide what to do with the new one. But in all fairness, I haven’t witnessed fish establish a fish monarchy, or a fish economy with fish money, with fish wishes and food dishes that they really want to have so instead they squish their dreams into a feasible size-that of a fish bowl maybe- and forget about it. So these fish can’t really do anything with the new fish…so they just coexist.             So what does this have to do with anything? In Finding Nemo, when Nemo is captured he gets relocated to the dentist’s aquarium. And what do the other fi...