You’re alone. Deserted by your “friends”. You know why they left you. It was your shadiness and generally bad sense of humor that consisted only of puns and pointing at things and saying “meme that”. But you’re still surprised they had the nerve to do it today, after all, it was your birthday. Every present you thought you wanted seemed irrelevant, because only survival was on your mind. It was just that morning you had woken up and discovered everyone was gone. The campsite was abandoned. Everything was taken. No food. No water. They were even petty enough to take the ashes from the fire you made for the night. You meandered about for a couple of hours, in search for a cactus or oasis or something bearing life or hope or anything in between. But you gave up because it was a waste of energy. Now, the arid desert wind brings dust into your eyes and lungs and you cough. You can feel your throat and mouth drying up on the spot and you know you need water. You decide to wa...