Rain Clouds
Everyone has probably had that moment where they realized something they believed in wasn’t really real. Whether it was when they realized the Easter Bunny or Santa were just some underpaid guys in a suit. Or how the Tooth Fairy is just your parents paying you to grow up and lose your baby teeth. You know, those disappointing realizations. Frankly, the Easter Bunny, Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren’t all that surprising. I figured they were all an adult capitalist scheme ready to lure children in with the promise of toys and money. But the thing that got me most was when I realized you can’t stand on rain clouds. I figured that normal clouds weren’t strong enough since they didn’t have rain in them. But rain clouds held more promise. They held the potential to hold. And boy did I believe it. It was sometime in second grade where we did a project on the weather. My friends and I made a beautiful poster that didn’t really contain any information, just the words “fall, clouds, rai...