
Showing posts from August, 2017

Life is like an Aquarium

            Think about it. When a fish is moved to a new aquarium it has to suddenly acclimate to a new environment, new plants, new rocks, new filtration system, etc., and mainly, new fish. And it usually goes one of two ways, either the other fish are super hostile, and the new fish dies, or the fish assess the situation and decide what to do with the new one. But in all fairness, I haven’t witnessed fish establish a fish monarchy, or a fish economy with fish money, with fish wishes and food dishes that they really want to have so instead they squish their dreams into a feasible size-that of a fish bowl maybe- and forget about it. So these fish can’t really do anything with the new fish…so they just coexist.             So what does this have to do with anything? In Finding Nemo, when Nemo is captured he gets relocated to the dentist’s aquarium. And what do the other fi...